Imagine coming home from work and finding a metal fence around your apartment building. When you attempt to go through the fence, security guards forcefully refuse to allow you inside.
According to press reports in Azerbaijan, it happened to Gurban Aliyev and the other residents of 95/97 Neftyanik Avenue – which is near the historic Maiden Tower – at the edge of Baku’s old walled city.
Aliyev says “all our stuff is in the apartments.” She said several days earlier, water, gas and power to the apartment building was suspended. She says the city plans to demolish the building. Aliyev says some residents have been driven to despair and are threatening to throw themselves off the top of the multi-story Maiden Tower.
Police apparently anticipated such a move, the Maiden Tower is closed and is guarded by police.
The deputy of Azerbaijan’s ruling party, Aydyn Hasanov, has a novel way of saving money. He’s proposing that parliamentary elections scheduled for 2010 be postponed until after the war in Nagorno Karabakh – an area claimed by Azerbaijan, but occupied by Armenia.
“The draft budget for fiscal year 2010 allocates 50 million manat (62 million US dollars) for elections. We cannot afford ourselves such a luxury during the world economic crisis,” Hasanov said on Friday during a discussion of the draft budget for fiscal year 2010. He went on to say “all deputies, including me, are worthy people. Why do we need to conduct elections? Do you think people will elect someone better than we are?”
Ali Ahmadov, the deputy chairman of the ruling party, Yeni Azerbaijan, said Hasanov was making a joke. He said parliamentary elections will be conducted in 2010.
The Parliament is a rubber stamp for President Ilham Aliyev.