Occasionally, everyone finds themselves in a situation where their checking account may not have enough funds to cover an expense. That's why it's handy to have overdraft protection. Simply put -- you have a second account with money in it that automatically covers those expenses when you are overdrawn.
It worked fine with my old bank -- the funds simply transferred automatically into the depleted checking account.
Now that my bank has been purchased by a much larger bank, I can still get the overdraft protection -- BUT -- it's not free. My new bank charges a 12.50 USD fee each time to transfer my own money from one account to another. If you don't have overdraft protection and you don't have enough funds to cover an expense -- the bank charges 35.00 USD -- which is normal. However, to charge a customer to transfer his/her own money is gouging.
I think it's time to find a friendlier bank.