What has happened to apples?
I've given up trying to find tasty apples at supermarkets. The ones on the produce counter look appetizing -- large, beautiful and perfect looking -- but take a bite and it's like eating truly tasteless pulp.
I remember the days when I could buy a basket of apples at the local supermarket and they tasted like apples. I'm not sure why our apples are so tasteless -- genetic-engineering? That goes for strawberries, too. Big and beautiful, but no taste.
It's really a shame that many young people may never know what an apple or a strawberry, for that matter, are really supposed to taste like.
This sounds conspiratorial, but it almost seems as though we are being programmed to eat this tasteless fruit -- especially if we rely only on supermarkets. I have been very fortunate to eat apples -- and strawberries -- from Central Asia - where they are loaded with flavor and very addictive!
My next stop is the farmer's market -- better yet -- my dad's apple orchard.